Scrabbulator Version History Print E-mail
Latest Release:
v3.0 - Bug fixes, and App Store compatibility

v2.0 - New Feature: Added a preference file so your settings get saved. The global prefs apply to all new windows that get opened. Each window has local prefs so you can override your defaults.
v2.0 - New Feature: Added a demo mode. Full version at the Xada Technology Kagi Store
v2.0 - New Feature: Blank tiles are now available. You can use a 'space' or '_' (underscore) to manually add a blank tile to your word. You can also enable automatic blank tile insertion attempts if you have tileset constraints enabled.
v2.0 - Code: Numerous bug fixes, including a couple potential crashes
v2.0 - Code: Several behind-the-scenes changes to make it easier to add alternate languages.

v1.0 - Initial release

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Last Updated on Monday, 17 January 2011 04:42